Nitro Pro

samedi 6 avril 2013

Nitro Pro

Nitro Pro

Nitro Pro



Nitro Pro









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Nitro Pro (x86/x64)

Nitro Pro (x86/x64)

Nitro Pro (x86/x64)

Nitro Pro (x86/x64) | 46.9/55.2 Mb

Nitro Pro 8 lets you quickly and easily create professional-quality PDF documents from any format or content type: paper scans, spreadsheets, presentations, reports, and more.

Nitro Pro (x86/x64)

Creating PDF:

Copying & Exporting PDF:

Editing PDF:

Optical Character Recognition (OCR):

Reviewing & Marking Up PDF:

PDF Security:

PDF Forms:


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Nitro Pro (x86/x64)

Nitro Pro (x86/x64)
Nitro Pro (x86/x64) | 46.9/55.2 Mb

Nitro Pro 8 lets you quickly and easily create professional-quality PDF documents from any format or content type: paper scans, spreadsheets, presentations, reports, and more.

Nitro Pro (x86/x64)

Creating PDF:
· Create PDF and PDF/A documents from virtually any Windows file.
· Convert and merge files into a single PDF document.
· Convert entire collections of files to PDF in one batch.
· Scan paper documents to PDF.
· One-button PDF creation from Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
· Create 'intelligent' PDF documents with bookmarks, links, metadata, and security from Microsoft Office programs.

Copying & Exporting PDF:
· Export PDF for reuse in Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, OpenOffice and more.
· Use different conversion modes to export files that look precisely like the original PDF and others that are easier to edit and repurpose.
· Extract all text and images from PDF documents.
· Batch convert PDF files to Word, RTF, and text formats.
· Copy text while retaining formatting, including font, color, and size.

Editing PDF:
· Insert and edit text, including font, size, color and more.
· Edit images - insert, resize, rotate, crop, flip, replace, arrange, delete, and extract.
· Edit image properties - brightness, contrast, color space, and resolution.
· Edit pages - insert, delete, rotate, crop, extract, and replace.
· Split pages of PDF documents based on page groups, page ranges, and bookmark structure.
· Add headers, footers, watermarks, and text to all pages in a document.
· Add Bates numbering across a collection of PDF documents.
· Add and edit bookmarks and links.
· Auto-create bookmarks based on document text formatting and headings.
· Auto-create links based on keywords and page numbers.
· Optimize, shrink and repair PDF documents.
· Edit document properties including metadata and initial view settings.

Optical Character Recognition (OCR):
· Create PDF files from scanned paper documents, or existing image-based PDF files, perfect for publishing, editing, or archiving.
· Create fully compliant PDF/A documents.
· Create editable PDF files and customize documents using the Editable Text feature.
· Create easily searchable, PDF/A compliant documents for archiving with 'Searchable Image' mode.
· Flexible multi-language support.

Reviewing & Marking Up PDF:
· Highlight text content with the Highlight, Underline, Cross Out and Replace Text tools.
· Add Sticky Notes, Text Boxes, and Call Out annotations.
· Add freehand drawings with the Pencil tool.
· Add drawing shapes, including lines, arrows, rectangles, ovals, polygons and clouds.
· Apply stamps to pages, choosing from standard built-in stamps or your own custom creations.
· Attach documents and other files to your PDF pages.
· Add explanatory text and other feedback to your markups.
· Sort and manage comments.
· Filter comments based on type, author, status, subject, and more.
· Summarize comments for easy viewing alongside page content. View the summary as a PDF or print it for paper-based reviewing.

PDF Security:
· Secure documents with passwords and certificates.
· Encrypt with 40-bit, 128-bit, and 256-bit level security.
· Apply restrictions on printing, copying, and altering PDF documents.
· Create and apply re-usable security profiles.
· Digitally sign and certify PDF files.

PDF Forms:
· Fill in, save, print and submit forms.
· Design forms.
· Add, edit and run javascript.

Home Page -

Nitro Pro (x86/x64)

Nitro Pro (x86/x64)


Nitro Pro (x32/x64) 51/62MB

Nitro Pro 8 lets you quickly and easily create professional-quality PDF documents from any format or content type: paper scans, spreadsheets, presentations, reports, and more.

Nitro Pro (x86/x64)

Creating PDF:
· Create PDF and PDF/A documents from virtually any Windows file.
· Convert and merge files into a single PDF document.
· Convert entire collections of files to PDF in one batch.
· Scan paper documents to PDF.
· One-button PDF creation from Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
· Create 'intelligent' PDF documents with bookmarks, links, metadata, and security from Microsoft Office programs.

Copying & Exporting PDF:
· Export PDF for reuse in Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, OpenOffice and more.
· Use different conversion modes to export files that look precisely like the original PDF and others that are easier to edit and repurpose.
· Extract all text and images from PDF documents.
· Batch convert PDF files to Word, RTF, and text formats.
· Copy text while retaining formatting, including font, color, and size.

Editing PDF:
· Insert and edit text, including font, size, color and more.
· Edit images — insert, resize, rotate, crop, flip, replace, arrange, delete, and extract.
· Edit image properties — brightness, contrast, color space, and resolution.
· Edit pages — insert, delete, rotate, crop, extract, and replace.
· Split pages of PDF documents based on page groups, page ranges, and bookmark structure.
· Add headers, footers, watermarks, and text to all pages in a document.
· Add Bates numbering across a collection of PDF documents.
· Add and edit bookmarks and links.
· Auto-create bookmarks based on document text formatting and headings.
· Auto-create links based on keywords and page numbers.
· Optimize, shrink and repair PDF documents.
· Edit document properties including metadata and initial view settings.

Optical Character Recognition (OCR):
· Create PDF files from scanned paper documents, or existing image-based PDF files, perfect for publishing, editing, or archiving.
· Create fully compliant PDF/A documents.
· Create editable PDF files and customize documents using the Editable Text feature.
· Create easily searchable, PDF/A compliant documents for archiving with 'Searchable Image' mode.
· Flexible multi-language support.

Reviewing & Marking Up PDF:
· Highlight text content with the Highlight, Underline, Cross Out and Replace Text tools.
· Add Sticky Notes, Text Boxes, and Call Out annotations.
· Add freehand drawings with the Pencil tool.
· Add drawing shapes, including lines, arrows, rectangles, ovals, polygons and clouds.
· Apply stamps to pages, choosing from standard built-in stamps or your own custom creations.
· Attach documents and other files to your PDF pages.
· Add explanatory text and other feedback to your markups.
· Sort and manage comments.
· Filter comments based on type, author, status, subject, and more.
· Summarize comments for easy viewing alongside page content. View the summary as a PDF or print it for paper-based reviewing.

PDF Security:
· Secure documents with passwords and certificates.
· Encrypt with 40-bit, 128-bit, and 256-bit level security.
· Apply restrictions on printing, copying, and altering PDF documents.
· Create and apply re-usable security profiles.
· Digitally sign and certify PDF files.

PDF Forms:
· Fill in, save, print and submit forms.
· Design forms.
· Add, edit and run javascript.

Size: 54.1 Mb // 62.6 Mb
OS: Windows XP/Vista/7

Home Page:
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Nitro Pro

Nitro Pro

Nitro Pro

Nitro Pro

Office Related | OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8 (x64x86) | 104 MB

Languages: Italian, French

Nitro Pro 8 permette di creare senza difficolta file PDF conformi agli standard a partire da file di qualunque formato. Condividerli, poi, sara semplicissimo: tutti i PDF creati in Nitro Pro possono essere aperti e visualizzati in modo omogeneo su praticamente qualsiasi sistema - Nitro Pro 8 permet de creer facilement des fichiers PDF standards a partir de quasiment n'importe quel format. Le partage de fichiers est transparent : tout fichier PDF cree dans Nitro Pro peut etre ouvert sur presque tous les types d'ordinateur avec un rendu parfait assure.
Nitro Pro

Office Related | OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8 (x64x86) | 104 MB

Languages: Italian, French

Nitro Pro 8 permette di creare senza difficolta file PDF conformi agli standard a partire da file di qualunque formato. Condividerli, poi, sara semplicissimo: tutti i PDF creati in Nitro Pro possono essere aperti e visualizzati in modo omogeneo su praticamente qualsiasi sistema.

- Crea PDF con un solo clic a partire da file Microsoft® Word, Excel® e PowerPoint®.

- Unisci in un unico PDF formati file differenti, quali fogli di calcolo, immagini, documenti, presentazioni, ecc.

- Modifica i tuoi documenti senza difficolta: puoi aggiungere, eliminare o riordinare le pagine, modificare gli elementi contenuti nelle pagine, quali testo e immagini, e tanto altro ancora.

Modifica testo e immagini

Dalla semplice correzione di errori ortografici alla formattazione su larga scala, Nitro Pro 8 aiuta a realizzare file PDF che rispondono esattamente alle tue esigenze. Basta fare clic sull'elemento del documento da correggere e apportare le modifiche necessarie, direttamente nel file PDF.

Grazie a strumenti di modifica intuitivi, puoi rivedere il testo, formattare il tipo di font, le dimensioni, il colore, ecc., aggiungere ed eliminare intestazioni/pie di pagina e filigrane e tanto altro ancora.

Modifica interi paragrafi con la massima facilita, ridisponendo automaticamente il testo durante la digitazione.

Modifica le immagini all'interno del PDF: puoi inserire, eliminare, riposizionare, ridimensionare e ritagliare le immagini, oppure modificarne le proprieta quali luminosita, contrasto, risoluzione e tanto altro ancor


Nitro Pro 8 permet de creer facilement des fichiers PDF standards a partir de quasiment n'importe quel format. Le partage de fichiers est transparent : tout fichier PDF cree dans Nitro Pro peut etre ouvert sur presque tous les types d'ordinateur avec un rendu parfait assure.

Points Forts

• Creez des fichiers PDF en un clic depuis Microsoft® Word, Excel® et PowerPoint®.

• Associez differents formats de fichiers dans un document PDF unique, comme par exemple des feuilles de calcul, des images, des documents, des presentations, etc.

• Modifiez facilement des documents : ajoutez, supprimez ou reorganisez des pages, modifiez des elements de page, tels que le texte et les images, et bien plus encore.

100 % Standard

Tout fichier PDF cree avec Nitro Pro 8 peut etre affiche, ouvert et consulte dans Adobe Acrobat et autres solutions populaires.

Creation a partir de plus de 300 formats

Nitro Pro offre tout un ensemble de solutions permettant de creer des fichiers PDF, telles que glisser-deposer, clic droit ou plug-in dans les applications, et prend en charge plus de 300 formats de fichiers.

Combinaison de Fichiers au Format PDF

Convertissez des ensembles de fichiers differents, puis regroupez-les dans un fichier PDF facile a partager et permettant de trouver facilement du texte.

Impression vers PDF

Utilisez le pilote d'impression virtuelle de Nitro Pro 8 pour creer des fichiers PDF a partir de toute application capable d'imprimer.

Programmes complementaires de Microsoft Office

Creez facilement des fichiers PDF en un clic directement depuis Microsoft, Word, Excel et PowerPoint.

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